Terms & Conditions
When you place an order with us at hallbarskargard.se you also agree to our terms and conditions. The terms can change, so please read them carefully before confirming your purchase.
1. Order
When you complete your order at the checkout, you will shortly receive an order confirmation from us via e-mail. The order confirmation is your acknowledgment that we have received your order and is sent out automatically from our system. Always check that your confirmation is correct and save it for any contacts with our customer service.
If you not receive an order confirmation, please check that your e-mail address is correct and notify info@hallbarskargard.se and we will send you a new one. All orders made are binding. In order to place an order with us, you must be over 18 years of age. If you are a minor, we need your peers consent.
2. Prices
At hallbarskargard.se all prices are shown in Swedish kronor including VAT. Costs for shipping will be added.
3. Payment method
Shopping at hallbarskargard.se is safe and simple.
Your payment is handled in collaboration with PayPal and the Swedish Bankgirocentralen. If you have any questions regarding your payment, please contact via e-mail info@hallbarskargard.se and tell us what your case is about.
4. Shipping and delivery– only within Sweden
Normally we deliver your goods within a week from the time your order has been confirmed. During the high season when many people shop with us, it may take a little longer.
Membership and non recurring contributions are not sent. You will receive an e-mail with the order confirmation of your purchase.
5. Change and return
If you want to return an item you have a right of withdrawal within 14 days from the day you received your order confirmation as above. The easiest way is to mail info@hallbarskargard.se It is important that you enter your order number so we can regulate your invoice and we can match your return with your original order. Refunds to your account will be made within 14 days.
6. Personal data
The association Hållbar Skärgård processes personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Act (PUL). In connection with your registration and order, you agree that the Association Hållbar Skärgård stores and uses your personal data to fulfill the obligations in connection with the order. We do not disclose your personal information to any third party except if this is necessary to execute the order / agreement with you or if this is required by law. You can contact us at any time to access the information, change or delete them.