The Hållbar Skärgård (Sustainable Archipelago) LEADER project was implemented between 2017 – 2020 thanks to EU support through the Rural Fund.
The purpose of the Hållbar Skärgård LEADER project has been to prepare for the future of ecotourism in the Tanum Municipality archipelago. For three years, an organization has been created with the aim of securing and improving the conditions for kayaking and outdoor activities in the municipality of Tanum’s archipelago, to meet the increasing numbers of visitors.
This project has resulted in:
• 3 solar panel driven archipelago toilets
• This site
• Maps focusing on paddlers and smaller boats
• The formation of the organization, ie the non-profit association Hållbar Skärgård, which provides supervision, maintenance and development of what has been set up within the LEADER project Hållbar Skärgård.
In addition to Leader i Norra Bohuslän & Gränsbygd, other sponsors of the project are;
Västkuststiftelsen – a solar-powered archipelago toilet
Tanums kommun- time for expertise from business developer
Skärgårdsidyllen Kayak & Outdoor – project management 850 h + 20 hours boat transportation
Others who have contributed knowledge and experience are;
Hans Sörqvist Byggnadsteknik
Jens Marklund
Linda Shapter